Exploring the notion of presence in remocollaborative learning environments


  • Federico Casalegno Massachusetts Institute of Technology dos Estados Unidos da América




Learning environments, Communication dynamics, Collaborative media


In this paper we discuss issues related to communication and social dynamics characterizing remote collaboration between distant communities. These observations emerge from ethno-graphic researches conducted in collaborative workshop involving MIT -Massachusetts Institute of Technology students with other universities or private companies. The focus of the paper is the notion of presence. This notion is analyzed through three different related aspects: the presence of information, the presence of communication tools and, finally, the presence of people. These analysis give indications on how better design space for learning and remote collaboration using interactive multimedia communication tools.


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Author Biography

Federico Casalegno, Massachusetts Institute of Technology dos Estados Unidos da América

Federico Casalegno, Associate Professor of the Practice, is the Founder and Director of the MIT Mobile Experience Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, SHASS, program in Comparative Media Studies. He has been awarded honorary professorships by the Glasgow School of Art, University of Glasgow and the Jiangnan University School of Design in Wuxi, China. A social scientist with an interest in the impact of networked digital technologies on human behavior and society, Prof. Casalegno both teaches and leads advanced research at MIT, and designs interactive media to foster connections between people, information and physical places using cutting-edge information technology.


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How to Cite

Casalegno, F. (2008). Exploring the notion of presence in remocollaborative learning environments. Revista FAMECOS, 11(24), 84–92. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-3729.2004.24.3268



Dossier IAMCR 2004