Rock and imaginary: the imaging-sound relations in the present time


  • Adriana Amaral Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS).



Communication, imaginary, rock


The present paper describes the intense relations between imagery and sound in contemporary age, focusing on rock as the music style of post-modern culture. It also shows that music is wrapped up in two important elements: technology and aesthetics. Technology implies a change in the way we listen to music and aesthetics links up musicians and their fans into a tribalization process, as concived by the French author Maffesoli. The main cha-racteristics of rock nʼroll (fluidity, mixing of styles and genres and so on) are also stressed, in order to point out that they belong to the post-modern way of life and that it is also a cultural product as much as it produces a culture that can be enjoyed and interpreted by contemporary society.


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Author Biography

Adriana Amaral, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS).

Master in Social Communication from FAMECOS/PUCRS.


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How to Cite

Amaral, A. (2008). Rock and imaginary: the imaging-sound relations in the present time. Revista FAMECOS, 9(18), 34–43.



New Technologies