The discursive functioning of the news channel "Notícias" of the Rural Channel


  • Ângela Cristina Trevisan Felippi Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul



Rural journalism, Discoursive analysis, Television


This article examines the production of meaning in Rural Journalism taking as an example the newsprogram “Notícias” of the Brazilian Rural Channel. It analyses the process of discoursive construction and meaning production as well as the discoursive works of the program. Its theoretical frame of reference is discoursive analysis. 


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Author Biography

Ângela Cristina Trevisan Felippi, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul

Teacher at Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul


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How to Cite

Trevisan Felippi, Ângela C. (2008). The discursive functioning of the news channel "Notícias" of the Rural Channel. Revista FAMECOS, 8(14), 101–114.



Rural Journalism