The invisible curriculum of television and the construction of strategies


  • Sandra Bitencourt Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul



Communication, TV, learning


"The incorporation of the media into the school is helping to establish that necessary bridge between the formal and informal curriculum, between the school and the real world." Pablo del Río This sentence to the contrary would summarize the objectives and effectiveness that educational television proposals should achieve. I explain. Pablo del Río, journalist, psychologist and educator in Spain, analyzes with great propriety that the media can have the capacity to connect the classroom-produced learning with the real world and its ways of representing and exchanging information. Make concrete the abstract. On the other hand, there enters the idea of inverting the sentence, the educational television should have the concern of also designing its curriculum and systematizing the knowledge that it is able to transmit without giving up the characteristics that make the environment so attractive and so effective in the transfer Of information.


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Author Biography

Sandra Bitencourt, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Mestre em Comunicação e Educação pela Universidade Autônoma de Barcelona (Espanha). Professora da Faculdade de Comunicação Social da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul.


LEAL FILHO, Laurindo Lalo. A Melhor Tv do Mundo, o modelo britânico de televisão. São Paulo: Summus editorial, 1997.

TORNERO, José Manuel Pérez. El desafio educativo de la televisión. Barcelona: Ediciones Paidós Ibérica, 1994.

MORIN, Edgar. Para salir del siglo XX. Barcelona: Kairós, 1981.

UNESCO, La educación encierra un tesoro, Informe de la Comisión Internacional de la UNESCO sobre la educación para el siglo XXI, presidida por Jaques Delors, Santillana Ediciones Unesco, 1996.



How to Cite

Bitencourt, S. (2008). The invisible curriculum of television and the construction of strategies. Revista FAMECOS, 6(10), 163–166.


