Resonant heart: communication, affections and "mechanical" sociabilities in electronic music parties
Affects, Machines, SociabilityAbstract
This article explores ways of affecting and being affected in electronic music parties, and is based on Spinoza's ideas using the cartographic method for empirical research. Affects, machines and sociability are conceptual operators for the analysis of aspects of the communicational dimension of these parties. Affects are not limited to the subject's plan; they are flows of passage for various forms of expression and affectation, according to Deleuze & Guattari's perspective. Communication is seen as affect and flow from the perspectives of Morin, Beth & Pross and Marcondes Filho. We propose that media and communicative actions in such parties directly impact the bodies and alter the process of sociability; also, drawing on Latour, we argue that the affects are produced and potentialized through music and communication machines, which implies rethinking the concept of sociability to consider non-human participants as social actors.
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