Between gamers and hackers: thoughts on the digital culture entre jugadores y hackers: reflexiones sobre la cultura digital
Hacker culture. Games. Ludic.Abstract
this paper presents the possible similarities between gaming and the hacker culture. In this historical and philosophical approach, both are considered in their po-tential to establish connections between human and technology, mainly their role in the expansion and current state of digital culture. Beyond their shared path, the modes of existence of these figures are intertwined by affective attachments and the attributes of their material grounding. We highlight the invitation to action, configuration and customization as inherent parts of the gaming experience and driving forces of hacker culture. Most importantly, these actions are not limited to in-game or computational activities, they expand to a set of decisions and proceedings performed even before playing starts. Starting from a brief discussion on the modes of literacy and materialities evoked by theses digital technical objects, the ludic emerges as point of convergence between theses practices.
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