From women’s history to Brazilian women’s filmmaking
Communication, Cinema, FeminismAbstract
Women have made fewer films than men, although increasingly they produce more. Still, many of their films were ignored or given little attention to. To understand this imbalance, this article is a panel on the secular discrimination of women in society. It also shows that there has always been resistance to this subjugation of women. Our goal is to strengthen the reason why films made by women stand out at all in the history of cinema, as well as in history in general, as advocated by Joan Scott, the part concerning women is not sufficiently covered. Next, we present and discuss three films little known in the history of Brazilian cinema, even if they bring stylistic elements, historical and thematic damning – A entrevista (Helena Solberg, 1966), Os homens que eu tive (Tereza Trautman, 1973) e Feminino Plural (Vera de Figueiredo, 1976).Downloads
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