Digital consumption and practice theory: a possible approach


  • Sandra Portella Montardo Universidade Feevale



Digital midia, Digital Consumption, Practice Theory


This article aims to conceptualize digital consumption linked to social media sites. A research on the state of the art on this subject reveals that, in general, one approaches the digital consumption issue without previously conceptualizing it, regarding it as assumptions only. For this purpose, it resorts to the Practice Theory as theoretical support for the reflection intended by this work. This article is organized in three sections: 1) Practice Theory and its relation with media studies; 2) mapping of studies on practices of social media, all of which elaborated from this theoretical framework; 3) proposition of a concept of digital consumption. One may observe that, on one hand, the digital consumption as assumed by the Practice Theory is not a practice properly, and, one the other hand,enables the practice of socialization online.


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Author Biography

Sandra Portella Montardo, Universidade Feevale

Doutora em Comunicação Social (PUCRS-2004). Fez estágio de doutorado na Université René Descartes, Paris V - Sorbonne. Professora e pesquisadora doPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Diversidade e Inclusão, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Processos e Manifestações Culturais, do Mestrado Profissional em Indústria Criativa e do Curso de Publicidade e Propaganda na Universidade Feevale.


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How to Cite

Montardo, S. P. (2016). Digital consumption and practice theory: a possible approach. Revista FAMECOS, 23(2), ID22203.


