Endogenous images and symbolic imaginati
Symbolic image, Imagery, ImaginationAbstract
This paper deals with the endogenous character of the image, proposing that is considered the differences between technical and symbolic image linking the latter to the processes of the imaginary and imagination. Beyond the interest to propose a classification of the image, which appears clearly as an inglorious project, the goal of the discussion is to draw attention to the imaginary dimension present in symbolic image comprising image as an agent of change in the field of psychic energy. Using image studies conducted by Hans Belting, E. Morin, G. Durand, C. G. Jung, J. Hillman and others researchers who pored over the topic of symbolic image and imagination, this reflection, even if it is a small step in front of a long path that insinuates itself, represents the intention to propose a theoretical approach that considers the integration between the subjects of the image, of the imaginary and imagination.Downloads
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