“Take this product, back this idea”, said the spider to the fly
Creativity, Advertising, BiopoliticsAbstract
This paper investigates the strategies employed by advertising, yesterday and today, to try to entice its audience, produce a lasting impression and get it to prefer one brand over others. Two campaigns are analyzed: one considered a landmark of 1960s “creative revolution”, and the other a winner of the 2013 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. We note that, at first, the use of creativity in advertising marks a change of capitalism, from industrial production of goods to that of consumption. Today we experience a “new creative revolution” in marketing communications. Storytelling techniques are employed to engage the public, which is seen as an interlocutor. This corresponds to a mutation of capitalism into a “cognitive” kind. We take a critical view, questioning such notion of creativity, and asking whether advertising might act as a mechanism of biopolitical control.
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