Pictorial affects or towards Transeunte, by Eryk Rocha


  • Denilson Lopes Silva Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




Affect, Staging, Cinema, Painting.



This essay aims to introduce the point of departure of a coming research project Pictorial Affects. For that I will present what has been called affective turn, the concept of affect that I use and how affect can be staged. So that this maybe open a different perspective to understand several movies done by a new generation of directors known as Postindustrial Cinema (Migliorin, 2012a), Garage Cinema (Ikeda e Lima, 2011 e 2012) or Novíssimo Cinema Brasileiro. I intend to do a kind of reading that articulates the experience of the reader and the images as well as cinema and painting in the search of a staging of affects At last I will analyse Passerby (2010), by Eryk Rocha, through the staging of the gesture of walking, the face and the space.


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Author Biography

Denilson Lopes Silva, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



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How to Cite

Lopes Silva, D. (2013). Pictorial affects or towards Transeunte, by Eryk Rocha. Revista FAMECOS, 20(2), 255–274. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-3729.2013.2.14125


