Kenosis as a way to build peace




Kenosis, Violence, Fundamentalism, Religion, Peace


The growing escalation of violence in the Middle East and the persecution of ethnic minorities in Africa and South Asia draw attention to the resurgence of fundamentalism in different parts of the world. Taking this context into account, we assume that religious experiences are complex and ambiguous, having the potential to mobilize a positive agenda for building peace and solidarity, as well as generating intolerance and death. Today, more than ever, the conviction that Islam is dangerous and violent is growing in the West. However, the defenders of such idea turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed by the rich countries of the North Atlantic that, in the name of democracy and freedom, cover up their vested interests. The hypothesis, assumed here, is that the politicization of the debate about terrorism and religion has generated misunderstandings, which transform hatred into a virtue and persecution into merit. Taking these difficulties into account, we propose to think about the Kenosis of Jesus, a way in which Christians can recognize their own fundamental affirmations, respecting and living together in a plural world.


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Author Biography

Raphael Colvara Pinto, Pesquisador autônomo, Boston College, Boston, MA, USA.

Doutor em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), em Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Professor convidado no Boston College, em Boston, EUA.


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