Analysis of the use of religious symbols in brazilian public spaces

Laicity as a vector of tolerance and education for peace




Secularity, Cultural Memory, Religious Symbols, Public Place, Peace


The analysis of the concepts of secularism and secularism are essential for understanding the permission of use of religious symbols in public spaces, given by the National Council of Justice, in the Requests for Providence numbers 1,344, 1,345, 1,346 and 1,362, judged on May 29/2007, before a provocation made to remove a crucifix at the headquarters of the Regional Electoral Court of São Paulo. It is shown that secularism is a sharp view against any and all religious manifestations in the public field, failing to meet the objective of the original constituent when the Federal Constitution of 1988 was promulgated, in particular by the drafting of art. 19, I, of the Greater Text, which evokes state secularism and not secularism. The understanding for the permission of religious symbols in public spaces is the one that invokes the cultural memory, idea well elucidated by Jan Assmann, with notion of tradition and belonging. Thus, after scientific elucidation about such cultural identity, it is sought to demonstrate that laicity does not prevent the permanence of religious symbols in public spaces and that tolerance must prevail, as a mechanism for education for peace.


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Author Biography

Vânio Soares Guimarães, Universidade Presidente Antônio Carlos (UNIPAC), Teófilo Otonio, MG, Brasil.

Mestre e doutorando em Ciências das Religiões pela Faculdade Unida de Vitória (UNIDA), em Vitória, ES, Brasil. Professor na Universidade Presidente Antônio Carlos (UNIPAC), em Teófilo Otoni, MG, Brasil. Oficial de Gabinete de Juiz Federal Titular na Subseção Judiciária, em Teófilo Otoni, MG, Brasil.


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