The Iberian School of Peace at the Universities of Coimbra and Evora (XVI Centuries)


  • Pedro Calafate



Nature. Justice. Sovereignty. War. Peace.


The critical conscience of the conquest and the colonization of America in the Iberian Universities of the Renaissance is discussed here, with special incidence in the scholastic masters of Coimbra and Evora. It is demonstrated how this Iberian School argued that the Pope didn’t have temporal or spatial power over the American people, remaining for him only, in temporal matters, indirect Power over temporal affairs among Christians; that as a consequence He is not granted the right of punishing idolatry or infidelity among these people; that the emperor is not the lord of the world, because such Power is not supported by divine, natural or human rights; that the secular Power lies immediately in the community or people, as a way of achieving the social nature of man and that the Power of the pagan princês, in itself, is noto f inferior or distinct nature from the Christian princês, although this is more perfect because Grace doesn’t contradict nature but renders it more perfect; that the empire is a juridical expectation, depending on a free pact; that the temporal Power lies neither in faith nor in charity and that infidelity is not a legitimate title of war; it also shows the Genesis of the principle of humanitarian intervention in defense of the natural rights of men, in the light of the universal authority of the orb, becoming the human person a subject of people’s rights, as well as the principle that in the international order there is a clear limit to the sovereignty of the States, on behalf of the universal common good, based on an objective conception of justice, definid by the scholastic natural Law theory.


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Corpus Hispanorum de Pace, direção de Luciano Pereña, edição do Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 28 volumes, Madrid 1963/2012.

PEREÑA, Luciano. La Escuela de Salamanca y la Duda Indiana, in La Ética en la Conquista de América, CHP, v. XXV, Madrid., 1984, p. 313.

TRINDADE, Antônio Augusto Cançado. A Humanização do Direito Internacional, Belo Horizonte, 2006, p. VI.

AZPILCUETA, Martín de. Relectio C. nouit de iudiciis, Coinimbricae, 1548, p. 51-53, tradução de A. Guimarães Pinto (no prelo).

SUÁREZ, Francisco. De mediis quibus infideles possint licite ab hominibus ad fidem adducit, Roma, Universidade Gregoriana, ms. 452, ff. 365-370, quaestio 4ª, tradução deste excerto de Miguel Sena Monteiro.

SÃO DOMINGOS, António de de Bello. ms 5.552 da Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, fol. 67vº-68, tradução de A. Guimarães Pinto (no prelo).

SEGUSIO, Enricus de (Hostiensis). In tertium Decretalium librum commentaria, cap. 8, n. 14-16.

PAIS, Álvaro. De Status et Planctu Ecclesiae, vol. I, INIC, Lisboa, 1983, p. 345-347, tradução de Miguel Pinto de Meneses.

SEGÚSIO, Enricus de (Hostiensis). Op. cit., cap. 8, n. 14-16.

PEREÑA, Luciano. La Idea de Justicia en la Conquista de América, Madrid, 1992, p. 35.

AZPILCUETA, Martín de. Relectio C. nouit de iudiciis, Coinimbricae, 1548, p. 74. Tradução do latim de António Guimarães Pinto (no prelo)

ANTÓNIO, Vieira. Votos sobre as Dúvidas dos Moradores de S. Paulo, 1694.

AZPILCUETA, Martín de. Op. cit., p. 75 e 87, tradução de António Guimarães Pinto

(no prelo).

SIMÕES, Pedro. Annotationes in materiam de bello, 1575, ms. da BNP 3.858, quaestio I,

fol. 304vº. Transcrição do manuscrito latino de Joana Serafim, tradução do latim de Marina Castanho e Ana Maria Tarrío (no prelo).

MOLINA, Luis de. De iustitia et iure, Cuencae, 1593, tomo I, liv. III, disp. C, tradução deste excerto de Pedro Calafate.

PÉREZ, Fernando. De bello, ms. 3.299 da Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Conimbricae, 1588, fol. 228. Transcrição paleográfica de Filipa Roldão, tradução do latim de António Guimarães Pinto (no prelo)

LEDESMA, Martín de. Secvnda Qvartae, Conimbricae, 1560, fol 316r-v, tradução deste excerto de Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos.

LEDESMA, Martín de, Secvnda Qvartae, Conimbricae, 1560, fol. 225v, tradução deste excerto por Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos.

Acosta, José de. De Procuranda Indorum Salute, Salmanticae, 1528, V, 1-2, tradução deste excerto de Pedro Calafate.

