For a critique of the metaphorical reason in the contemporary culture – theoretical bases


  • Florence Dravet Universidade Católica de Brasília



Language, culture, poetry


We hereby the theoretical context and the conceptual bases of a reflection on contemporary mediatic cultures. These are seen as hybrid cultures situated in two types of logic: Aristotle’s logocentric logos and the mythical Pre-Socratic logos. Initially, we contemplate the uncertainties of an indivisible totality which contains flows that may only be captured through poetic language, not fragmented. Next, we demonstrate how occidental reason gradually drew away from poetic language to become philosophic and scientific. Lastly, we arrive at the necessity of searching, in the poetic level of language, a genuine authenticity which makes the word a reality, and not only a representation of reality. We conclude that poetry is present in a significant manner in the contemporary mediatic culture, although often assuming clandestine forms.


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Author Biography

Florence Dravet, Universidade Católica de Brasília

Professora do Mestrado em Comunicação da Universidade Católica de Brasília


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How to Cite

Dravet, F. (2011). For a critique of the metaphorical reason in the contemporary culture – theoretical bases. Revista FAMECOS, 18(2), 576–597.