Cybersubculturas and cybercenas: initial explorations of the practices


  • Adriana Amaral Universidade do Vale dos Sinos



Cybersubculture, Scene, Iinternet


This paper presents the concepts of scene (Straw, 1997, 2006) and cybersubculture (Bell, 2000 and Caspary & Manzenreiter, 2003) in their relevance to the study of social communication processes, production and dissemination / distribution of information In the context of cyberculture. From the theories of cyberculture and British post-subculture studies we proposed the discussion of the concepts in relation to some concrete practices of communication and sociability of the electrogoth / industrial subculture on the Internet.


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Author Biography

Adriana Amaral, Universidade do Vale dos Sinos

Post-Doctorate from the University of Surrey (UK), through the CAPES Senior Internship. PhD in Social Communication from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (2005) with PhD in Sociology of Communication, Boston College (USA), by CNPq. She is currently a professor and researcher at the Communication Sciences Program of the Sinos River Valley University (UNISINOS). Also coordinates the Specialization in Digital Culture and Social Networks in the same HEI. She is a researcher at CNPq Level 2. Member of the Association of Internet Researchers. She was a Special Visiting Professor at the Universität of Duisburg - Essen (Germany, 2016), invited by the European Union, and the University of Salford, England, 2012 and 2014) and the University of Surrey (England, 2015-2016).


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How to Cite

Amaral, A. (2008). Cybersubculturas and cybercenas: initial explorations of the practices. Revista FAMECOS, 14(33), 21–28.



Virtual culture