The academic writing in initial teachers’ training: learning diaries in the constitution of themselves




Academic writing. Teaching learning. Reflective writing. Higher education.


In this paper we present the experiences with the teachers’ initial formation, which has as the aiming to discuss the role of learning diary as an instrument of interlocution in the university classroom, between professor and academics, during the initial teachers’ formation. We propose the self-writing as a possibility of reflection during the formative process, considering the self-regulation movements of being a teacher from the challenges of the formative process. The nature of this work is qualitative, anchored into the  bibliographical research in which the literature reviewed was based on the authors: Zabalza (2004), Freire (1996) and Bakhtin (2010a, 2010b). Thus, the text is inscribed as theoretical-analytical from fragments of journals of undergraduate students. To do so, we performed the analysis of the learning diaries of nine students of the Pedagogy and the Language Courses from two universities in countryside of Rio Grande do Sul state. From this study, it was possible to understand that the academics are forming and dialoguing when they are writing their diaries, placing themselves as critical apprentices in the space of graduation, corroborating in the elaboration processes of new knowledge and learning to be a teacher.


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Author Biographies

Adriana Claudia Martins, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, RS

Doutorado em Metodologia do Ensino. Professora da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), RS, Brasil.

Eliane Aparecida Galvão dos Santos, Universidade Franciscana (UFN), Santa Maria, RS

Doutora em Educação pela UFSM. Professora da Universidade Franciscana (UFN), Santa Maria, RS, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Martins, A. C., & Galvão dos Santos, E. A. (2020). The academic writing in initial teachers’ training: learning diaries in the constitution of themselves. Educação Por Escrito, 10(2), e30327.




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