The work with datum and database: considerations through and enunciative theory of language




Transcription, Enunciative studies, Database, Corpus.


The objective is to discuss the notions of datum and analysis when the theory in question is an enunciative one, bearing in mind two central questions: if the several enunciative theories question language through a semantic point of view, aiming at studying what is singular in the speech of each speaker, how can an enunciative study be based on a corpus and, even more, constitute a database? Are enunciative studies not refractory, in a certain way, to the notion of linguistic study based on corpora? In order to answer these two questions, we present the example of a database of language disorders, ENUNSIL (Banco de Dados Enunciação e SIntoma na Linguagem), considering that, if the notion of datum is problematic to enunciative studies, such difficulties augment exponentially when symptomatic speech is at stake.


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How to Cite

Nunes, P. Ávila, & Flores, V. do N. (2017). The work with datum and database: considerations through and enunciative theory of language. Letras De Hoje, 52(3), 401–409.