An extraterrestrial searching for a place: Considerations about violence, language and apprenticeship, in the perspective of school’s inclusion


  • Ana Paula Melchiors Stahlschmidt


Inclusão escolar, transtornos do desenvolvimento, linguagem, aprendizagem, violência.


This text discuss the relationship between language and learning, in the context of school inclusion of children with development disorders, considering the implications of the subject’s story and their experience relative of schooling, from the primary and secondary violence concepts, elaborated by Piera Aulagnier and resumed by Alícia Fernández. Taking as an illustration a case accompanied by the author in her practice as a psychologist in the municipal network of the sheltering and caring for children and adolescents victims of family violence, it discusses the concepts and difficulties found in the school inclusion process of children whose psychic structure may be an impediment for teachers and school team in adaptation of regular school, and the importance of the resolution of the found difficulties in the inclusion process and its effects in several areas of this subject’s life.


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How to Cite

Stahlschmidt, A. P. M. (2009). An extraterrestrial searching for a place: Considerations about violence, language and apprenticeship, in the perspective of school’s inclusion. Educação, 32(2). Retrieved from



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