Innovation and teaching. From the “fashion” of innovation to the transformation of teaching practice




Educational change. Curriculum. Educational development. Educational technology. Evaluation.


The world is made up of a set of permanent changes and the field of education is no exception. This article begins by situating the (in)constancy of change, its drifts and paradoxes and continues with a brief note on the evolution of educational ideas, to raise the challenges posed by the imperative of innovation at the present time. From this point on, it is argued that going beyond innovation as "fashion" requires a profound transformation of educational practice, for which it is necessary to take into account five key elements: who teachers and students are, how they learn and what their needs are; what kind of knowledge is considered important to teach in order to make it personal and socially valuable for the students; what educational technologies should be used or developed to contribute to achieving the goals set; what learning experiences should be implemented to promote students’ engagement and the meaning of learning; what assessment systems are needed to account for the learning undertaken.


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Author Biography

Juana M. Sancho-Gil, Universidad de Barcelona

Catedrática de Tecnologías Educativas de la Universidad en el Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa de la Universidad de Barcelona.  Coordinadora del grupo de investigación consolidado ESBRINA – Subjetividades, visualidades y entornos educativos contemporáneos (2014SGR 0632).  y de REUNI+D - Red de investigación e innovación educativa. Cambios sociales y retos para la educación en la era digital. MINECO. EDU2015-68718-REDT. Miembro de INDAGA-T - Grupo de innovación docente para favoreces la indagación. Universidad de Barcelona. GIDCUB-13/087.


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How to Cite

Sancho-Gil, J. M. (2018). Innovation and teaching. From the “fashion” of innovation to the transformation of teaching practice. Educação, 41(1), 12–20.



Dossiê: A construção de profissionalidade: a pessoa em formação