One look at national scientific production on education financing


  • Rosimar Serena Siqueira Esquinsani Universidade de Passo Fundo / UPF
  • Rafael Pavan Universidade de Passo Fundo/UPF



Education financing, Scientific production, State of knowledge


The text addresses the following questions: the legal protagonism of the theme ‘financing of education’ reverberates in the national scientific production? Does the academy have dedicated efforts and space for research on the financing of education in order to understand the movements and arenas around which it has been constituted? What are the emerging issues related to financing? And any gaps? To answer these questions, a bibliographical research was developed with the objective of identifying and situating part of the national scientific production about the financing of education, establishing themes, trends and gaps. A survey was carried out in the Portal of Periodicals of CAPES, reaching a set of 149 articles. This documentary corpus was examined from the analytical-reconstructive methodology, using content analysis, through the analysis technique, inserting a research in the perspective of the “Knowledge State”. With regard to the examination of the articles, three units were established: 1) the subject; 2) the political arena and 3) procedural and methodological analysis. As a conclusion, it is possible to indicate that: a) there is a great amount of articles that discuss the financing applied in different levels, stages and modalities of the national education; b) it is clear the centrist perspective of the state that most texts carry; c) it is clear that the analysis of the conjuncture is the most used. Finally, it is assumed that the theme “financing of education”, still has little ballast, when compared to other subjects.


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Author Biographies

Rosimar Serena Siqueira Esquinsani, Universidade de Passo Fundo / UPF

Professora e pesquisadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade de Passo Fundo / UPF.  Pesquisadora Pq/CNPq

Rafael Pavan, Universidade de Passo Fundo/UPF

Doutor em Educação.  Professora da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Ciências Contábeis da Universidade de Passo Fundo / UPF


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How to Cite

Esquinsani, R. S. S., & Pavan, R. (2018). One look at national scientific production on education financing. Educação, 41(3), 446–452.