An interview with Jonathan Culpeper
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linguistic politeness, social dynamics of interactionResumen
Jonathan Culpeper is Professor of English Language and Linguistics at Lancaster University, UK. He holds a Ph.D in Linguistics and a B.A. Hons. in English Language and Literature, at Lancaster University. Most of his current work belongs to the field of Pragmatics. He has a particular research interest in linguistic politeness, focusing on the social dynamics of interaction. He was co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Pragmatics from 2009 to 2014.
ARCHER, DAWN; CULPEPER, J. Sociopragmatic annotation: New directions and possibilities in historical corpus linguistics. In: WILSON, A., RAYSON, P. & MCENERY, T. (eds.). Corpus Linguistics by the Lune: A Festschrift for Geoffrey Leech. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, 37–58, 2003.
BLUM-KULKA, SHOSHANA & HOUSE, JILL. Cross-cultural and situational variation in requesting behavior. In: BLUM-KULKA, SHOSHANA; HOUSE, JILL & KASPER, GABRIELE (eds.). Cross-Cultural Pragmatics: Requests and Apologies. Vol. XXXI Advances in Discourse Processes. Norwood NJ: Ablex. 123-154, 1989.
BROWN, PENELOPE; LEVINSON, STEPHEN C. Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
CULPEPER, JONATHAN. Impoliteness: Using Language to Cause Offence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
CULPEPER, JONATHAN & ARCHER, DAWN. Requests and directness in Early Modern English trial proceedings and play-texts, 1640-1760. In: JUCKER, ANDREAS H. & TAAVITSAINEN, IRMA (eds). Speech Acts in the History of English. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 45-84, 2008.
CULPEPER, JONATHAN; HAUGH, MICHAEL. Pragmatics and the English Language. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2014.
EELEN, GINO. A Critique of Politeness Theories. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing, 2001.
LEECH, GEOFFREY N. Principles of Pragmatics. London: Longman, 1983.
LOCHER, MIRIAM A.; BOUSFIELD, DEREK . Introduction: Impoliteness and power in language. In: BOUSFIELD, DEREK; LOCHER, MIRIAM A. (eds). Impoliteness in Language: Studies on its Interplay with Power in Theory and Practice. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 1-13, 2008.
SCHANK, ROGER C.; ABELSON, ROBERT P. Scripts, Plans, Goals, and Understanding: An Inquiry into Human Knowledge Structures. New Jersey and London: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1977.
TERKOURAFI, MARINA. Politeness in Cypriot Greek: A frame-based approach. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, 2001.
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