Attention and emotion: essential elements for retention in foreign language learning


  • Marisa Helena Degasperi PUCRS


Atenção, emoção, lingua estrangeira


In recent years, different theories of different paradigms, have sought to increase the scientific research related to cognitivism in an attempt to discover how the learning takes place. In this context, two psychological processes in the development of learning a foreign language have more attention: attention and emotion. This article discusses various aspects that involve those processes that contribute to learning, such as the external stimuli. It is understood that update knowledge of the teacher is essential for facilitating the acquisition of new knowledge by students.


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Author Biography

Marisa Helena Degasperi, PUCRS

Graduada em Letras-Português (UFES) Mestre em Educação (ISPEJV-Cuba) Doutoranda em Linguística Aplicada (PUCRS)



How to Cite

Degasperi, M. H. (2009). Attention and emotion: essential elements for retention in foreign language learning. Letrônica, 2(1), 18–25. Retrieved from