Paisagem linguística em Natal/RN
no “...coração da selva… de pedra”, contradiscursos e tensões sociais
Linguistic Landscape, Counter-Discourse, Interaction, Natal/RN-BRAAbstract
Cities are environments of interaction built, above all, by the markings of language in the public scene. Therefore, we question what thematically and significantly construct, regarding social life and power relations, the discursive practices that integrate the linguistic landscape of/in the Cidade Alta neighborhood, central Natal/RN? simultaneously, we aim, in general, to analyze and problematize which world of meanings is constructed and thematically indexed in the statements that make up the public scene of that location. To this end, we are theoretically affiliated with critical-transgressive and undisciplinary Applied Linguistics, based on Moita Lopes (2006) and Pennycook (2006), in which we undertake an enunciative-discursive reading, based on the propositions of the Bakhtin Circle in Voloshinov ( 2018, 2019) and Bakhtin (2011). In the work we dialogue with studies on Linguistic Landscape in Blommaert (2013) and Shohamy and Gorter (2009), on the city in Pennycook (1998) and historiography of spaces in Albuquerque Jr. (2020) The corpus of analysis was generated through photographic records of the PL in the aforementioned neighborhood. The investigation points out that this situated landscape is constructed by counter-discourses that thematize, by establishing dialogical relationships with social life and discursive networks, issues of sexuality, for example.
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