Colonial echoes, contemporary resonances

silencing and enunciations of the African child subject in Literature


  • Teresa Beatriz Azambuya Cibotari Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, School of Humanities, Postgraduate Program in Letters, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.



African Literature, Childhood, Angola Literature, Enunciation


This work proposes to discuss the representation of the voice of childhood, from a diachronic perspective, considering the signs of a change that has occurred when comparing the colonial and post-independence periods, in the African context. To this end, we begin by reading the work A Cidade e a Infância, by the Angolan author Luandino Vieira, published in 1957, to arrive at the analysis of the novel Quem me dera ser onda, by the also Angolan writer Manuel Rui, published in 1982. Observe- It is clear that, in this period of time between the two works, childhood was elevated to a place of enunciative protagonism, which indicates an update of the concepts of childhood that highlight aspects of both decoloniality, because it gives voice to a systematically silenced group, and decoloniality , because it constitutes a discourse of insurgency and emancipation.


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Author Biography

Teresa Beatriz Azambuya Cibotari, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, School of Humanities, Postgraduate Program in Letters, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

PhD in Literature – Theory of Literature (PUCRS). She is also an academic professor at PUCRS, School of Humanities, in the Postgraduate Course in Literature, Arts and Philosophy. The research work of which this study is part was funded by Capes (Doctoral Thesis, 2023). On the theme of childhood and democracy, she published the article “Does the child fit into the exercise of democracy?”, in the newspaper Zero Hora (Apr. 2023).


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How to Cite

Azambuya Cibotari, T. B. (2024). Colonial echoes, contemporary resonances: silencing and enunciations of the African child subject in Literature. Letrônica, 17(1), e46065.

