Superstructure in reading comprehension and textual awareness
A pedagogical intervention in multiple technologies
Reading, Reading comprehension and textual awareness, Technologies in education, Scientific curiosity textsAbstract
This article is linked to research supported by CNPq and FAPERGS, carried out with students from the 5th and 6th years of elementary school, considering their performance in reading comprehension and textual awareness, supported by Psycholinguistics. Materials in multiple technologies were created based on scientific curiosity texts from the human and technological sciences, organized into four modules - superstructure, coherence, lexical cohesion and grammatical cohesion. A pre/post-test was applied, before and after a pedagogical intervention through reading workshops using these materials, in order to verify the contribution of this work to the development of students' reading comprehension and textual awareness. This article focuses on the superstructure contentes and on 100 6th grade students from schools in Rio Grande do Sul. The data collected, in this design, showed an increase of 8% in the reading comprehension scores and 5.08% in the textual awareness scores, indicating a positive contribution of the workshops with reading materials in multiple technologies for this group of students.
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