Waters that draw Mozambique
Mia Couto, Poetry, Mozambican waters.Abstract
In the poems written by Mia Couto, as well as in his literary production in general, we can see the presence of water as a thread. In our perception, the water is a symbol and/or metaphor of multiple senses. It conducts the knowledge, the time and the memory, renews and restructures the reality of the man and of the environment in which he lives. It is the transitory element in which Gaston Bachelard talks, also being the cosmogonic symbol of the eternity. In the poetry, specially, presented as a character, scenario and theme. Under the optical of what we determine as Mozambican waters, we took the poetic production of the author and we realized that from the eternal waters, passenger, creating, destructive, real or symbolic are nourished several poems of Mia Couto.
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