Reading cartoons: methodological issues
ournalistic cartoons, Meaning construction, Theoretical interfaceAbstract
The cartoon is a complex discourse that uses contemporary social voices in order to edify itself as a genre. This article focuses on the understanding of charge from the perspective of Bakhtin Circle, especially on the notions of ideological sign, genre and social voices. Establishing an interface with psycholinguistics to understand the cognitive processes involved in reading the former genre, the aim is also the understanding of the concept of reading comprehension. In addition, information is presented about Google Forms, online technology that allows the construction of activities involving charges. From the study of two cartoons of Latuff, published one in 2014 and another in 2015 on the website Sul 21, it seeks to understand the enunciative activity that constitutes itself: what resources are mobilized for the edification of its senses. Therefore, it verifies the dialogical relations between the cartoons and the previous statements that related to them to be constituted as a genre in the chain of discursive communication. With discussions around the constructed meanings, it will be possible to realize that every discourse is dialogic, that means, all discourse establishes a necessary relation to other discourses, initiating different meanings.
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