The apprentice tourist in the northeast and the persistence of the patriarchal social system: a study of the chronicles “O grande cearense” and “Tempo de dantes”, by Mário de Andrade


  • Fernando de Moraes Gebra Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul



Mário de Andrade, Travel chronicles, Patriarchy.


This article comes as a response to the following question: How did Mário de Andrade focus Brazilian culture and socioeconomic relations in his travel chronicles? The chronicles “O grande cearense” and “Tempo de dantes”, from the book Os filhos da Candinha (1943), are compared in this article with their first releases on the travel journal O turista aprendiz (1976), in which their titles are respectively “Atlantic, December 5” and “Natal, December 17". Mário de Andrade’s travel chronicles, collected in the posthumous book O turista aprendiz, provide a view of the ratification of intersubjective identities (the construction of the self in the relationship with the Other) with national identity through issues relating to socioeconomic and social-affective practices. Traveling allows the tourist to look at the Other, which causes him to question these cultural relations based - on the specific case of these chronicles - on a model of power centralization. It is the patriarchy, understood as a normative and repressive power that determines individual and collective organization in public (labor relations) and private (family environment) dimensions. Both in private and public spheres, social structure is organized around a discourse of power, which legitimates the practices of exclusion of those who do not adapt to this structural model. Thus, the stories analyzed allow an analysis of the patriarchal relations established in public and private dimensions in Brazil in the first decades of the twentieth century.


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Author Biography

Fernando de Moraes Gebra, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul

Colegiado de Letras - área de Teoria Literária e Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa


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How to Cite

Gebra, F. de M. (2015). The apprentice tourist in the northeast and the persistence of the patriarchal social system: a study of the chronicles “O grande cearense” and “Tempo de dantes”, by Mário de Andrade. Letrônica, 7(2), 989–1009.