Public space, mediatic visibillity and cyberculture: structural obliteration of public sphere in the cyberspace


  • Eugênio Trivinho Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo



Cyberculture, cyberspace, public sphere


This study addresses the sociocultural repercussion of the phenomenon of multimediatic visibility in the symbolic organization of public space starting from the 1970s, a historical interval marked by the category of cyberculture. The argument comprises two approaches. The first defines and recontextualizes the three major mediatic configurations of the symbolic in this period, recognizing their respective states of the art: the public scene of promotion and self-promotion, the public space of sharing and of response, and the public sphere of discussion, which are macroconfigurations that, albeit overlapping in reality, cannot be confounded. This analytical and reflexive procedure determines the sequential movement of the argument, at whose core lies the fundamental thesis of this text: the marked structural obliteration of the public sphere of discussion paradoxically in cyberspace, the web of free manifestation of ideas.


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Author Biography

Eugênio Trivinho, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo


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How to Cite

Trivinho, E. (2011). Public space, mediatic visibillity and cyberculture: structural obliteration of public sphere in the cyberspace. Revista FAMECOS, 17(3), 266–277.


