Juvenile memories: the cinema's influence in the young people's daily life in the 60's


  • Paula Regina Puhl Feevale
  • Cristina Ennes da Silva Feevale




Daily life, leisure, memory


The text aims to develop a viable methodology for researches that have as a conjecture the verification of the influence of cinema in the behavior of young people, taking into account concepts as: daily life, leisure and memory. To reflect the theme´s problematization print media and oral sources were used. To exemplify the analysis we chose the city of Novo Hamburgo in the sixties. Content analysis was used to verify the relevance of cinema in the city. These data subsidized the construction of interviews that were elaborated through oral history postulates. This proximity with the “voices” of the individuals allowed access to these person´s memories that were young in the sixties, that described how the cinematographic scene shaped the youth of those days.


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Author Biographies

Paula Regina Puhl, Feevale

Professora do Curso de Comunicação da Feevale

Cristina Ennes da Silva, Feevale

Presidente do Conselho de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação Stricto Senso da Feevale


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How to Cite

Puhl, P. R., & Silva, C. E. da. (2009). Juvenile memories: the cinema’s influence in the young people’s daily life in the 60’s. Revista FAMECOS, 16(38), 93–99. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-3729.2009.38.5306



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