Gandhi, Cecília and the chronicles written in Índia




Cecília Meireles. Chronicles. Gandhi.


Cecília Meireles’s poetic work (1901-1964) is well known. However, her prose work not so much. Even less are the various chronicles that thematize India. This article aims to reflect on the intense dialogue that the Brazilian writer established for years with Indian culture, especially with Mahatma Gandhi (18691948), the main political and religious leader of the country in the 20th century. We will study “the chronicles written in India”, on the occasion of the writer’s trip to the country, seeking to explain the Cecilian dialogue with Gandhian philosophy and ethics and with its principles of searching for Truth and the use of Non-Violence.


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AGAMBEN, Giorgio. O que é o contemporâneo? E outros ensaios. Chapecó: Argos, 2009.

GOUVEA, Leila. V. B. Ensaios sobre Cecília Meireles. São Paulo: Humanitas, 2007.

LOUNDO, Dilip. Cecília Meireles e a Índia: viagem e meditação poética. In: GOUVEA, Leila. V. B. Ensaios sobre Cecília Meireles. São Paulo: Humanitas, 2007. p. 129-136.

MEIRELES, Cecília. Crônicas de Viagem. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1999a. v. II.

MEIRELES, Cecília. Crônicas de Viagem. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1999b. v. III.

MEIRELES, Cecília. Poemas escritos na Índia. 2. ed. São Paulo: Global, 2014.

MEIRELES, Cecília. Travelling and Meditating: Poems writen in India and others poems. Tradução Rita R, Sanyal e Dilip Loundo. Nova Delhi: Embaixada do Brasil, 2003.



How to Cite

Ferigate, A. A., & Silva, T. V. Z. (2020). Gandhi, Cecília and the chronicles written in Índia. Navegações, 13(1), e37075.


