Images of the chinese woman in the work A China fica ao lado of Maria Ondina Brag




Image., Chinese woman, Macao., The Otherness.


This article intends to present an analysis of Chinese female figures, the family and social status of women and their fight for emancipation, especially in Macao. Maria Ondina Braga, who lived in this territory for years, set up in her work China Stays next to images of Chinese women. The work allows us to look at an evolution of the importance of female presence from the 40 to 60 centuries of the 20th century. Given the theoretical assumptions of Jean-Marc Moura, Alvaro Manuel Machado and Daniel-Henri Pageaux, within the framework of imagology, we will examine how the work assume s as a platform for the construction of
images of Chinese women in Macao. We will discuss, within a certain social imagination, whether or not the image can become a stereotype. We will reflect that self-image is transmitted in this work. As for the situation of women, it will also be worked out in accordance with the prospects set out by Simon de Beauvoir.


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Author Biography

Xin Ming, Universidade de Macau (UM), Macau.

Doutoranda em Literatura e Estudos Interculturais (Português) pela Universidade de Macau (UM, Macau, China).


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How to Cite

Ming, X. (2020). Images of the chinese woman in the work A China fica ao lado of Maria Ondina Brag. Navegações, 13(1), e36675.


