Motherhood Aspects in Carola Saavedra’s novel Com Armas Sonolentas




Motherhood. Brazilian Literature. Strangeness.


Carola Saavedra’s last novel, Com Armas Sonolentas, triggers a debate around the issue of motherhood in Brazilian contemporary literature. According to Julia Kristeva’s proposed definition of motherhood in the book Hatred and Forgiveness, I propose analyzing the novel from the strangeness characterized by this experience, considering the tension over the phallus primacy. I also seek to establish reflections on the intertextuality between the title of the novel and the verses by the religious poet Inés de la Cruz in the poem “Primero sueño”. Based on the research carried out by Octavio Paz in Sor Juana, Or, The Traps of Faith, I approximate Saavedra’s suggested motherhood, throughout three generations of women, to an experience of living space which encompasses the writing life of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz writing.


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Author Biography

Luciana Abreu Jardim, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG)

Doutora e mestre em Letras pela PUCRS. Pós-Doutora em Letras UFRGS e FURG. Entre os anos de 2013 a 2018, desenvolveu pesquisa na FURG/PNPD/CAPES sobre Literatura e maternidade na literatura brasileira.


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KRISTEVA, Julia. Estrangeiros para nós mesmos. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 1994.

KRISTEVA, Julia. Histoires d’Amour. Paris: Seuil, 1983.

KRISTEVA, Julia. La passion selon la maternité. In: KRISTEVA, Julia. La haine et le pardon: Pouvoirs et limites de la psychanalyse III. Paris: Fayard, 2005.

KRISTEVA, Julia. Le génie féminin: la vie, la folie, les mots. (Tome I) Hannah Arendt. Paris: Fayard, 1999.

KRISTEVA, Julia. Sens et non-sens de la révolte: pouvoirs et limites de la psychanalyse I. Paris: Fayard, 1996.

LISPECTOR, Clarice. Água viva. São Paulo: Círculo do livro, 1973.

PAZ, Octavio. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz ou As armadilhas da fé. Trad. Wladir Dupont. São Paulo: Ubu Editora, 2017.

SAAVEDRA, Carola. Com armas sonolentas: um romance de formação. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2018a.

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How to Cite

Jardim, L. A. (2019). Motherhood Aspects in Carola Saavedra’s novel Com Armas Sonolentas. Navegações, 12(1), e33653.


