Os ratos: a plot of pointers, scores and negotiation





Os ratos. Dyonelio Machado. Punctuation marks. Literary form. Social process.


The purpose of this article is to analyze both the usage of punctuation signs and the graphic dimension of Os ratos (1935), by Dyonelio Machado, as a way of clarifying the social relations existing between narrator and character (class differences), among the characters themselves (“favor” exchanges) and the ones concerning the subjective expressions of Naziazeno (the psychological consequences of the money dynamics). The focus is the research of the significant nuances of the text, starting from the punctuation usage and its effects in a given scene or sentence – without disregarding the general results of the novel and the socio-historical impasses to which the aesthetics respond. In order to do so, we examine the avail of quotation marks, italics, ellipses and exclamation points, mainly. From this standpoint, the formalization of the novel and the way it internalizes and reflects the portraited dilemmas are of fundamental importance to this study.


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Author Biography

Tiago Lopes Schiffner, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Doutor em Letras com ênfase em Literatura Brasileira pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Integrante do grupo de pesquisa “Literatura Brasileira em dinâmica desigual e combinada”, sob a orientação do Prof. Dr. Homero Vizeu Araújo.



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How to Cite

Schiffner, T. L. (2019). Os ratos: a plot of pointers, scores and negotiation. Navegações, 12(1), e27216. https://doi.org/10.15448/1983-4276.2019.1.27216


