Educational resources multimediatics for reading in early childhood education


  • Elenice Larroza Andersen Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Educational Resources, Reading, Child Development, Multiliteracy.


This article discusses the production of educational resources for early childhood education with a focus on reading, available on a government platform for free use, following the current trend of looking at early childhood as the basis of human development (MARCO LEGAL PARA A PRIMEIRA INFÂNCIA, 2013). It argues that the use of multimediatic educational resources for this phase requires special attention, especially with regard to the suitability of these tools to cognitive and linguistic needs of the child, according to the cognitive development approaches. It concludes that there is a lack of variety of educational resources provided by the government for the examined area, with a predominance of media over others and an impoverishment in the quality of resources. Thus, other sources to work with language in early childhood education are suggested.


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How to Cite

Andersen, E. L. (2016). Educational resources multimediatics for reading in early childhood education. Letrônica, 9(2), 326–335.