The Diário de Luanda and the Carnival Festival of 1937
Propaganda and Corporatism in a Colonial Space
Angola, Carnival, Salazarist Propaganda, Corporatism, ColonialismAbstract
The object of this paper is a carnival festival organized in 1937 by the newspaper Diário de Luanda. It is intended to investigate how the festival, and its representations in the press, spread, in the capital of the colony of Angola, central elements of the corporative model and Salazarist propaganda, divulged, in Portugal, through the realization of great events, such as parades of popular marches and expositions. Analysing journalistic articles about the festival, it is intended to demonstrate organic, harmonious and hierarchical representations of society, consistent with the principles of corporatism; the exhibition of symbols of social and industrial progress, which would justify the colonial presence; the dissemination of a mythical, timeless and heroic image of the Portuguese people, destinated to bring civilization to the tropics; and the appreciation of regional customs, understood as folkloric manifestations that formed an indivisible whole, characterized as the “Portuguese world”.
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