Teaching (History) in the 21st Century
New competencies with identical contents
Competencies, Historical thinking, Curriculum, PortugalAbstract
Contemporary thinking in Education must go beyond what is already known and feed on a utopian vision. Regardless of the contents, the change needs to happen, within the pedagogical practice above anything else: listening more and talking less; embracing new perspectives and different readings from well-known authors; preparing our interlocutors (students) to face the unforeseen and the uncertainty with optimism. In Basic and Secondary Education, this circumstance assumes the characteristics of a historical thinking and a historical consciousness progressively more sophisticated and, therefore, coincident with a reading of the world desirably more complex and humanistic. In Higher Education, it is crucial that future teachers perceive the relevance of that attitude of change. Based on these contemporary educational potentialities and challenges, we intend to discuss possible paths to consider, today, a teaching of History that allows us to design new futures or other competencies.
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