The old west turns into an agricultural barn: press, colonization and historicity among World War II refugees in Brazil (Guarapuava/PR)
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The paper aims to analyze narratives published in 1991 and 1992 by the Journal of Entre Rios in commemoration of the 40th’ birthday of the district founding, in Guarapuava, Paraná, Brazil. Entre Rios’s district was founded between March 1951 and January 1952, with the settlement of 2,500 refugee immigrants of World War II coming from areas of the former Yugoslavia, Hungary and Romania, who collectively identify themselves as Danube Swabian and had been exiled since 1944 in Austria. The focus of this paper is to analyze how the events are narrated by the referred newspaper, articulating them to different temporalities. The narratives involved about: the past of the group of Europe, the early years in Brazil, the present of the community and their expectations of the future, relating ideas about time, history and agricultural development of Entre Rios.
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