The agriculture and forests of the Germans in Brazil: mobility, knowledge and transfers in the Urwald (19th century)
Agriculture. Forest. German colonization. Transfers. Knowledge.Abstract
Differently from the more cultural aspects that underlay German-Brazilian rural colonization in the 19th and 20th centuries, agrarian and silvan themes remain strictly placed in the social and environmental realities of southern Brazil. This discourse is still up to date and it reinforces the assumption that agricultural- silvan practices and knowledge carried by German-Brazilian rural society had their origins solely on the impositions of the south American side of the migration. Thus, the idea of rupture regarding agrarian systems and forest use imposed itself without further countercharges. In this paper, we aim at rethinking these assumptions through the concept of transfer, embedded into an environmental history approach and under a perspective of the history of knowledge, or better said, migrant knowledge. We claim that the birth of the German-Brazilian igneous and forest agriculture had been associated to the previous knowledge and practices of the German peasantry. Three vectors of transfers will be then analyzed: firstly, the management of extensive agriculture deprived from enough inputs of husbandry; second, the use of fire as a tool for land clearance and manuring; finally, the adoption of native crops by German-Brazilian rural society. These specific flows allow to argue the mobility and connections of knowledge and agricultural-silvan practices between Germany and Brazil. Therefore, before being an exclusively south American development, German-Brazilian agriculture was distinguished by hybridism, marked by transfer phenomena.
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