College of São Paulo, in Goa: a jesuit college in the east (1548-1558)
Catechism., Company of Jesus., Goa, College of São PauloAbstract
The article deals with the founding of the College of São Paulo in Goa by the Society of Jesus, and presents the first period of its operation, from 1548 to 1558. The College of São Paulo was founded in Goa by the Jesuits from the experiences obtained in the direction of the Seminary of Santa Fe, founded by the Portuguese in 1541 and later delivered to the Company. After the Seminary, the Jesuits founded in 1548 their College of São Paulo, the first house being subordinated to the second. The work of formation of European Jesuits and also of natives continues during all the first decade being, in 1558, ordered in the College the first native priest, the “canarim” - Goan - André Vaz. We try to analyze the main facts, in search of the general lines of work, of the methods of the Jesuits in the College. Our sources are from the collections “Documenta Indica”, organized by Joseph Wicki and “Documentação para a História do Padroado Português do Oriente”, by António da Silva Rego. The temporal cut used goes from 1548, year of the foundation of the College of São Paulo, in Goa, to the year of 1558, when the order of André Vaz takes place. We understand, through this work, that the College of São Paulo was an institution dedicated to the Christianization and “aportuguesamento” of the native populations in Portuguese India, serving, at one time, both the objectives of the Church and those of the Crown.
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