The creation of a Web-rádio as meaningful place for the teaching and learning of Portuguese
Web-radio, Teaching and learning of Portuguese, LiteraciesAbstract
This text presents reflections on the teaching and learning of Portuguese in two classes of the final years of Basic Education of a Brazilian public school. Part of a bigger investigation – a project that produced two master’s dissertations and two doctoral theses, as well as other scientific products – which developed several actions of research, in this school. In this clipping, part of a doctoral thesis, we aim to present some data concerning the linguistic-discursive reflections of students in the context of the creation of a web-radio. For this purpose, the discursive genres seminar, summary, radio soap opera, interview and radio news are considered as objects of teaching. The theoretical framework is the enunciative-dialogic theory of Bakhtin and the Circle (2002, 2004), Volochínov (2013, 2017) allied to the theory of learning and development of Vygotsky (2004, 2007), to the discussions on multiliteracies (THE NEW LONDON GROUP, 1996), digital literacies (DUDENEY; HOCKLY; PEGRUM, 2016) and critical literacy, Freire (1987, 2000), Pereira (2009). The approached methodology was of qualitative aspect, of dialogic nature, of the type action research. The data revealed that the project contributed to the development of different literacy practices, those that refer to the use of digital media and those linked to the reflective analysis of language in different texts, contexts and discourses. Furthermore, the proposal to create a web-radio in a school context contributed to the interest of students with their learning and the interactions between peers promoted a collaborative and autonomous space.
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