The verbal languaging process reading and its processing from a psycholinguistic perspective
Psycholinguistics. Problematisation. Languaging verbal processes. Reading.Abstract
This text aims to assert an approach to the verbal languaging processes – listening, speaking, reading and writing – in which their complementarity is highlighted, rather than their individual specificity. It is argued that this analysis should be based on a psycholinguistic perspective, which explains what happens during their processing from beginning to end, in order to find out what exactly characterises them. Even though all four processes will be referred to, two of them will be focused on – listening and reading. This choice is justified by the fact that they share multiple aspects, particularly the latent hard labour which some unjustly hide. This injustice is counteracted throughout the text. Special attention has been given to the process reading due to its constant evocation writing imposed, and not only due to previous intention. The other processes will be present as they contribute, in different degrees, to the setting and later development of reading. The main objective of this text is to encourage a problematisation from the psycholinguistic perspective of any topic related to its field of action.
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