“Time capsules”: the love epistolography of Paul Auster and Camilo José Cela in the memoir and biography’s composition


  • Sissa Jacoby Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul




Correspondence, Love letters, Paul Auster, Camilo José Cela


This article discusses the contributions of the love letters, written by Camilo José Cela and Paul Auster in their youth, for the composition of an auto/biographical profile of the first one and the memories of childhood and youth of the second one. The main interest in these individuals sets of epistolographical writings is to check what it is established by them, from the point of view of retrieving records from one stage of existence – as “time capsules”, according to Auster – to literary studies, considering not only the development of a memoir text, but also the relativization of the image in the auto/biographical text.


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How to Cite

Jacoby, S. (2014). “Time capsules”: the love epistolography of Paul Auster and Camilo José Cela in the memoir and biography’s composition. Letras De Hoje, 49(2), 224–232. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2014.2.17657