Principalship in basic school municipal perspective


  • Flávia Obino Corrêa Werle
  • Carla Mantay
  • Alenis Cleusa de Andrade


Educação municipal, sistemas de ensino, administração escolar.


This article discusses the role, the processes of selection and the organization of the work of the school principals according to the educational policies defined at the municipal level. This study analyzes the laws of educational municipal systems – SME – and the pathways followed by the Rio Grande do Sul in order to manage the principalship of schools. It discusses the titles of the administrator, principal and manager of schools. It also describes the research done to obtain the data that is presented, identifying and discussing the evolution of the policies related to the schools’ principalship. It concludes analyzing a specific form to structure the principalship of schools, independently of the directing team.


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How to Cite

Werle, F. O. C., Mantay, C., & Andrade, A. C. de. (2009). Principalship in basic school municipal perspective. Educação, 32(2). Retrieved from



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