Global education in stricto sensu graduate programs

interculturality and internationalization as pillars for global citizenship




Internationalization, Interculturality, Global Education, Formación para la ciudadanía mundial


In the current global context, education has a direct relationship with human, social, cultural, economic, and environmental development. The main objective of this work is to analyze interculturality and internationalization as fundamental pillars in the construction of global education within stricto sensu postgraduate programs, focusing on their contribution to the formation of global citizens. This study is characterized by a qualitative literature review, using discursive textual analysis for data processing. The results identify two main analytical categories: interculturality and internationalization. Interculturality is presented as the harmonious interaction between different cultures, promoting mutual understanding and respect. Internationalization, on the other hand, is addressed as the integration of global educational and cultural practices, evidenced by exchange programs and virtual collaborations. Both categories enhance the educational experience, preparing students for global citizenship and offering the opportunity for emancipatory regional integration. The analyses suggest that cooperation, as a structuring axis in teacher training, favors inter-institutional dialogue and the creation of inclusive curricula that promote global citizenship. To achieve these goals, there must be an individual and collective effort.


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Author Biographies

Luísa Cerdeira, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

PhD in Education Sciences. Master in Education. Retired Professor at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon and Vice-President of the General Council of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon.

Sirlei de Lourdes Lauxen, University of Cruz Alta, Cruz Alta, RS, Brazil.

PhD in Education. Postdoctoral internship in Education at UFRGS/ULisboa. Master in Education. Professor and Coordinator of the PPG in Sociocultural Practices and Social Development, at the University of Cruz Alta-UNICRUZ.

Juliana Porto Machado, Universidad de Cruz Alta, Cruz Alta, RS, Brasil.

PhD in Social Memory and Cultural Heritage. Master in Social Memory and Cultural Heritage. Postdoctoral student at the University of Cruz Alta in the PPG Sociocultural Practices and Social Development.


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How to Cite

Cerdeira, L., de Lourdes Lauxen, S., & Porto Machado, J. (2024). Global education in stricto sensu graduate programs: interculturality and internationalization as pillars for global citizenship. Educação, 47(1), e46534.



Dossiê Ensinar e aprender em tempos de globalização: do local ao internacional