Being a teacher in “complex times”

from social malaise to teaching malaise – dialogues at the Psychoanalysis and Education interface




civilization malaise, teacher malaise, psychoanalysis and education


This study focuses on analyzing teachers’ discomfort from a psychoanalytic perspective. To this end, in dialogues with Freud and authors of psychoanalytic studies in the field of education, it is based on the assumption that there are teaching discomforts that transcend the strictly academic dimension as it is a profession threatened by the symbolic precariousness of the place it occupies in the social context. The teaching narratives extracted from three studies included in the Psychoanalysis and Education interface point to complex and challenging impasses that cause discomfort among teachers today: the devaluation of the profession and unsatisfactory working conditions, the problem of violence and school indiscipline, the loss of teaching autonomy and crisis of teaching authority in contemporary schools, the lack of recognition, the blaming of teachers for school failures associated with excessive demands and expectations directed at the figure of the teacher coming from various directions (school curriculum, specialists, parents, students, community , State), among others, have repercussions on the discomfort among teachers, who, at times, manifest psychological ailments and different forms of renunciation in relation to the profession. It is concluded that, faced with the malaise in civilization and education, teachers want – and need – to speak out. In this direction, Psychoanalysis emerges as a possibility to circulate the word, that is, to build with and for teachers sensitive and welcoming spaces for speaking and listening, so that possible solutions can emerge from the elaboration and resignification of the anguish inherent to existence and educating, in contexts characterized by contemporary complexity, allowing new ways of subjectivation and confronting reality.



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Author Biographies

Caren Castelar Queiroz Lara, University of Brasilia (UnB), Brasilia, DF, Brazil.

PhD student in Education and master's degree in Education from the University of Brasília. He has a degree in Pedagogy from the same institution. Basic Education Teacher at the State Department of Education of the Federal District, currently linked to the Hospital Class Program at the Hospital Materno Infantil de Brasília. He has experience in the area of ​​Education, with an emphasis on Hospital Pedagogy.


Inês Maria Marques Zanforlin Pires de Almeida, University of Brasilia (UnB), Brasilia, DF, Brazil.

He has a degree in Pedagogy from the University of the Sacred Heart of Bauru, a Master's degree in Education from the University of Brasília, a PhD in Psychology from the University of Brasília and a post-doctorate from the Faculty of Education of the University of São Paulo. Professor linked to the Postgraduate Program in Education at the University of Brasília. They have experience in the area of ​​Education, working as a teacher and researcher in the areas of initial and continuing teacher training at the interface of Psychoanalysis and Education.

Katilen Machado Vicente Squarisi, University of Brasilia (UnB), Brasilia, DF, Brazil.

PhD and master in Education from the University of Brasília. He has a degree in Pedagogy from the Centro Universitário de Brasília. Specialist in Psychopedagogy from the Catholic University of Brasília. Educational Advisor at the State Department of Education of the Federal District. He has experience in the area of ​​Education, with an emphasis on Educational Guidance, Psychoanalysis and Teacher Training, Public Educational Policies, School Inclusion, among other topics.

Silvano Messias dos Santos, Federal University of Western Bahia (UFOB), Barreiras, BA, Brazil.

PhD in Education from the University of Brasília and Master in Environmental Sciences from the Federal University of Western Bahia. He has a degree in Pedagogy from the State University of Bahia. Specialist in Management and Public Policies for Basic Education from the State University of Bahia and in Human Rights and Contemporaneity from the Federal University of Bahia. He is currently a Technician in Educational Affairs at the Federal University of Western Bahia. They have experience in the area of ​​Education, with an emphasis on management and public educational policies, pedagogical coordination and educational guidance, tourism and the environment, university pedagogy, psychoanalysis and education.


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How to Cite

Castelar Queiroz Lara, C., Marques Zanforlin Pires de Almeida, I. M., Machado Vicente Squarisi, K., & Messias dos Santos, S. (2024). Being a teacher in “complex times”: from social malaise to teaching malaise – dialogues at the Psychoanalysis and Education interface. Educação, 47(1), e45735.