The teaching and learning of Mathematics in the Early Years
experiences and narratives of Normal Course students
initial training, teaching, mathematics educationAbstract
This research will contribute to discuss the importance of the initial training offered in the Normal Course modality, which aims to train teachers who will work in the early years. In this movement, we provide narrative writing in order to favor reflections arising from experiences in the school context during internship interventions in the early years. In this sense, the writing of the narratives rescues indications of being a teacher, the ways of teaching and learning Mathematics, the perceptions about the relationships between the methodological procedures of teaching Mathematics and the dichotomy between theory and practice in the development of pedagogical practices in the internship period. Thus, the objective of this investigation is to analyze the narratives of normalists in training, covering the experiences in the process of teaching and learning mathematics in the early years in a historical-cultural perspective. The research is presented as a qualitative approach with characteristics of narrative research. We evidenced that reflective writing, through logbooks, made it possible to experience the teaching and learning of mathematics in the early years as well as the meanings attributed to what was experienced in the educational process during the teaching internship for pedagogical practice as future teachers.
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