Production of GT 20 Educational Psychology at ANPEd
expression of science, school education, and contemporary society
Educational psychology, (auto)biographic research, school educationAbstract
This paper presents the results of a study about the production of the GT20 - Psicologia da Educação da ANPEd, based on readings and analysis of 79 papers presented at annual meetings from 2013 to 2021. The study takes place in a moment of mobilization in the resumption of democratic practices in public policy, and attention is focused on structural inequality - which is materialized in real people who teach and learn. It is justified by the need to take stock of the course taken by the GT20 and debate on new demands and future directions. It is understood that the presented papers express the academic research about Educational Psychology as a field of study and a discipline of educational foundations. The objective of the study is to identify what the GT20 investigates, how it does it, the results achieved and their implications and unfoldings, the theoretical bases that subsidize it. Methodologically, this is a documental study, in which the papers presented in national meetings (communications or posters) were mapped and analyzed. We established the focus of attention: titles, authorship, institutional affiliation, keywords, objectives, methodology, theoretical framework, and results, as well as the sources used (authors and works). The analyses and syntheses were done by identifying the frequency in which they were presented, and the descriptions made. As results of the study of the production of the GT20, the following can be highlighted (a) identification of criticism to the theories of Psychology; (b) highlights to possible contributions of critical theories to subsidize the formation and teaching performance; (c) conceptions of learning and development; (d) contributions to the consolidation of theoretical matrixes that may face the discussion of current problems; (e) development of theoretical studies and field/applied research, involving burning issues of contemporary society that manifest themselves at school; (f) integration of different fields of knowledge to compose the theoretical and methodological corpus of educational psychology; (g) area’s commitment to inclusive society and education in tackling inequalities; (h) attention to individual suffering (of teachers and students) linked to socio-historical issues and, (i) identification of the multiple determinations that contribute for schooling to act in a more or less incisive way in the human-generic formation of those who are served by the school or work in it. We conclude on the importance of this GT20 as a space for aggregation and expression of science/ academia directions, its relevance for education (in its two levels, its stages and modalities) and for society in general. And, above all, that educational psychology constitutes an exponential field for the understanding and analysis of educational problems.
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