Dimensions of Prejudice and Stigma in Education
A systematic review
prejudice, stigma, education, systematic reviewAbstract
This study aims to analyze the implications of stigma and prejudice in education in order to understand how these concepts are updated and reverberate in scientific publications. This is a systematic literature review conducted on scientific articles published from 2013 to 2021 in the Redalyc and PsycINFO databases, considering the articles published in English, Portuguese and Spanish, through the use of the descriptor prejudice, stigma and shame in the area of Education and Psychology. From 873 articles found, 44 were selected for analysis, with the help of the Atlas Ti 5.2 software, divided into four dimensions: cognitive, affective, behavioral, and institutional. The results point to the automatism of beliefs in moral discourses that reinforce stereotypes, interfering in affection relations, triggering distancing or reactions of laughter, disgust or pity, as well as fear, silencing and anguish in those who suffer. Aggressive behavior increases and social support decreases, requiring systematic, long-term, and participatory institutional interventions. It is highlighted, finally, the need for further studies on the subject in the field of Higher Education with the participation of the various social subjects.
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